Sunday, 22 September 2013


Before my flight home from Finland, I had about 3 hours to spend in Helsinki.  The weather wasn't great - it kept raining off and on.  But I was still able to walk around and see part of the city.  Here is a market I walked through - these were the BEST strawberries I've ever eaten.  No joke, they were amazing!  
This was also at the market - thought it was funny.
This is one of the famous landmarks, the Helsinki Cathedral.  It sits on a hill and can be seen all over the city.  The sun happened to be shining when I was here.  
This is inside the Cathedral.  While I was there someone was playing the organ - I love it when that happens in a church I'm visiting!
Another well known church in Helsinki is this Russian Orthodox church.  Apparently the inside is as elaborate as the Cathedral is simple.  But I wasn't able to go inside as it is closed on Mondays - bummer.
I took a 20 minute ferry into the harbour (and British spell check made me spell harbour that way) to visit Suomenlinna.  It is an island with a fortress on it that I wish I could tell you more about.  There wasn't much information there and when I got there it was windy and raining.  So I took a couple of pictures and came back.  I'd love to say I'm learning a lot about everything place I visit, but honestly, sometimes I just get a picture and get rained on and move on.  

The last thing I saw before heading to the airport was the Helsinki train station.  I saw this building listed as one of the world's top 10 train stations to see for the was very art deco.

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