Monday, 20 October 2014

Stockholm - Skansen

Our second day in Stockholm dawned bright and beautiful!!  I could not get enough of this summer weather.  After a delicious breakfast at our hotel, we headed across town to see some of the sights.  This is the Nordic Museum, which we did not visit but still needed a photo because it was such a gorgeous building!
Stockholm is in an archipelego of islands on the eastern side of Sweden.  There are TONS of boats and waterfront cafes, boardwalks, etc.  The water is clearly a part of life here. 
Our first stop was Skansen.  Skansen is an outdoor museum/park.  There are traditional buildings relocated from all over Sweden into the park.  They also have "actors" who play the parts of running these small homesteads.

They even have a section of the park with zoo of animals native to Sweden, like reindeer!  It was the height of summer though and the reindeer clearly aren't into the heat and sunshine like I am.
At the recommendation of a park employee, we went to another free concert!  This one was outdoors at Skansen and was a Swedish folk singer.  Apparently she was quite well known and there was a nice crowd gathered to listen. 
We didn't eat lunch here, but I still wanted to photograph the menu at this food stand at Skansen.  Moose, elk and reindeer were the standard meat offerings!

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